Searching for Inspiration
I have been in Venice for two months now. Times flies!
After my last post about Venice I was lost. I ran out of ideas and was lacking inspiration. This is one of the most beautiful and oldest cities in all of Europe. It has inspired countless artists before me, writers, painters, singers, you name it. And here is me.
So, I buried myself in the monotony of school. I just focused on attending my classes and studying (though I habitually procrastinate). I didn't go out to make new friends, I watched the whole second season of UK TV shows, Humans and Chewing gum. I ate pumpkin for about two weeks straight (the aftermath of a pumpkin risotto experiment).
Then after one more bout of bad news I was at breaking point. I have already come too far to give up. My Italian still sucks but this is a once in a life time opportunity. Sometimes the universe has a funny way of reminding you of these things. So on a Saturday night I was scrolling through my Instagram feed like a mindless smart phone zombie in pyjamas and a giant hoodie, desperately unkempt after days of hiding in my bedroom when I got a sign!
As you know, the Biennial comes to an end this month in Venice. And I still hadn't been. But I follow Olafur Eliasson's studio on Instagram. He is one of the artists that inspired my Art Class segment right here on EGBT. I had been watching his Biennial project from afar like a lone stalker for almost 6 months when it was announced that he himself would be at the exhibition to host a workshop and panel discussion. I knew I had to go.
I was debating with myself right up until the last moment. I had finished tutoring and I was already in Giudecca about to go home, then I felt at the very last moment an urgent pull. I felt like I needed to be there. So I got the Vaporetto all the way to Giardini, which I have been avoiding since I arrived in Venice since it is so far from everything else. I walked up the tree lined path covered with scattered autumn leaves on an impossibly cold autumn day and waiting for a friend who I had asked to come along for moral support since I am a shamelessly dependent person. I settled onto a bench reading Buzzfeed quizzes and watching trickles of tourists disappear into the Biennial. Then a bird pooped on me.
And just like that, I felt reborn.
I will write about the Biennial and also about Olafur Eliasson's Green light workshop in my next few posts because it was absolutely amazing. When you do things you really love it just inspires you and keeps you going. I woke up the morning after exploring the Biennial with fresh eyes ready to give Venice another try and to keep fighting to make the best days of my life here. And finally, I found the voice I was looking for for this blog.
“自分の中から掴み取った, この拳の中の勇気”