
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Buongiorno Venezia

Buongiorno Venezia

As many of my friends and family already know, I have recently relocated to Venice, Italy to do my masters. While I do like a good challenge it hasn't all been smooth sailing. I have been here for one month already and of course as we all know Venice is absolutely beautiful. It is a gorgeous old city with no cars, bikes and buses. The only way to get around is by boat and by foot. Which sounds wonderful but is tiring after you've walked around 3 days straight with a huge suitcase.


I have been warned explicitly by my student friends that water taxis are expensive af and the vaporettos are the devil because they are crammed with noisy tourists. I have ignored the second part and I have used the Vaporetto quite often. It's not all bad but it is hideously slow but the buses out of town are far worse because they run on Italian time, which definitely exists. Reading the electronic readers is pretty much a waste of time. 


I'm studying here so it's been pretty slow going with the touristy stuff. I have already been to Murano and Burano and seen St Mark's Square of course, but I'm also hoping to blog more about Venice and the rest of Italy. If you want to know any information about life in Italy or applying to a masters overseas (I'm a whizz at Danish UCAS) just drop me a message. Also, I'd love recommendations on places to visit, eat, etc.

Venice has been pretty amazing so far, I eat pizza and pasta everyday but I'm still searching for the perfect pizza and pasta. I will let you know when I find it. 


I love little interesting things about homogeneous societies. Like how every Italian household has a 'moka', they all have strong opinions on pasta and coffee and how every Italian girl owns a leather jacket and a pashmina. :) 

That's all for now so wish me luck on this new adventure!

Searching for Inspiration

Searching for Inspiration

Catch the flavour (IN SEOUL): Root!

Catch the flavour (IN SEOUL): Root!