I tested out 10 things to do in Self-Isolation.
Never could we have imagined the wild roller coaster that has been 2020. I have been home for a month practising social distancing. I live in Italy which has suddenly become the epicentre of our health concerns in Europe. I do not have a demanding or risky job like health practitioners do so I am safe at home because I am following the rules. We should not go outside unnecessarily except perhaps for taking out the trash, taking dogs for a walk or of course doing groceries. I myself have quite the anxious disposition so I have found that staying home except for these reasons is fine by me.
I have seen heaps of blogs on this matter but I am going to share 10 things that I have done whilst social distancing.
Forget Netflix …TV movies is where its at.
I like Netflix, I like all streaming platforms equally. However, I am bad at making decisions and having too much choice can sometimes feels stressful especially since I just want to unwind after a long day of work. (Yes, I’m working from home, WFH or Smart Working whatever you want to call it). One of the greatest things about staying home all day is turning on the TV. When I was younger some of the best films I’ve ever seen were by chance usually after 9pm on Channel 4, (I discovered the Japanese cult classic Battle Royale in this way). There is just something so wholesome about turning the TV on around 9pm after dinner to see a pre-scheduled film. Plus I can go to the bathroom and make tea during the ad breaks. I have taken to getting myself some microwave popcorn and seeing what terrestrial TV has to offer during this period. I have discovered that Keanu Reeves is the undisputed star of Italian TV, in just one week they’ve played John Wick, The Matrix 1 & 2 and Constantine to name a few. There’s just a warm fuzzy feeling of nostalgia, a reminder of life before digitisation and our modern day culture of demanding what we want when we want it.
Yoga is fun and all but I had more fun dancing like no one was watching
I have seen enough entrepreneur bro memes to know that society is pressuring us to come out of this isolation period with a six pack, an fully formed online business and having received the highest level of spiritual enlightenment, but honestly, if you don’t want to do that its okay. We don’t have to emerge six months from now like baby Elon Musks having invented our own functioning iron man suit complete with AI controlled software. It’s okay to wear the same hoodie a couple of days in a row and watch an entire TV series. You do you. If you want to get active, try doing something you actually like and not what society is spoon feeding you. For me personally yoga is too slow, I love reformer Pilates but I am a student… and I do have a garden but its not exactly a wide open field. To keep fit, I’ve just been stretching (including ballet barre exercises) and dancing like crazy to all my favourite songs. It definitely helps my mood and I can be a bit overzealous with my moves so I believe I am indeed getting quite the work out.
Experimenting with food
Is there a recipe you have been putting off? Try it now. Cooking extravagant meals is a great way to kill time. See what’s available at your local supermarket. (Luckily I live in Italy and people are not panic buying or hoarding food.) I have tested out some new and exciting recipes and flavors, next on my list a Thai green curry and Jamaican style rice and peas. (not together, I am not a monster). We can’t all just live off takeaways so why not try to recreate your favourite takeaway meal at home. I love Korean food and there’s no Korean delivery anytime soon and the Doenjang jjigae (된장찌개) cravings are becoming unbearable. If I learn to perfect one dish during this period I hope its that one. I found a good recipe here.
A day without social media
This was the best thing I have done. I have been itching to dump my phone in the bin. Unfortunately, it’s expensive and I need it for almost everything. The second best plan was to switch my phone off. I woke up, hit my daily target on Duolingo and turned off my phone for the rest of the day. The day went slower and was relaxing. I did have to turn on my phone in the middle of the day to see if my family had contacted me ( they are all back in London). It was so nice to not check social media every five seconds feeling like a failure because THAT influencer is spending their time in their million dollar flat doing sit ups and ordering sushi. Conversely, I also have many friends who live in countries that are not on lockdown, such as S. Korea and seeing friends going out and getting some fresh air can sometimes make you feel a little hopeless. All in all, I had time for myself, I read a book, napped, watched films and I felt myself relaxing. It was a good feeling.
Attempting to learn a new skill
This is optional of course. If you’ve been putting off a learning a language, now’s the time to do it. I myself am trying to improve my computer skills so I’ve been watching tutorials to learn some new information. I also have been studying Chinese and Korean for most of my life (that sounds so sad) so, I’ve been learning new words and practising how to write them. Rather than learning the skills because everyone thinks you should, it’s a great way to take your mind off the news right now.
Reading when I feel like it and not because I have to.
I always forget that reading was one of my favourite hobbies. I stopped reading frequently when I started University because I dedicated all of my free time to studying and reading course material. The only time I read nowadays is when I go home to London because I travel by tube and there isn’t stable WiFi on the Underground. I have tons of books at home that I have wanted to start for ages but I just save them for whenever I’m back home travelling on the tube. I have been reading now, and I’m determined to get through the pile of books that are sitting on my shelf. It has been nice to read something not related to work or study, simply something I’m interested in. I highly recommend this. (With a cup of tea of course).
I received a journal for Christmas from a family member. It’s a mindfulness journal to inspire you to be present. I like mine because there is space for writing, but also little activities and a place for you to draw some pictures too! It is really nice to just write a little bit. I don’t do it everyday but I do it, every other day. When I wake up I try to record the dreams I’ve had or just how I have been feeling and its a great way to start the day. Usually I wake up, scroll through Instagram and then the world’s problems wash over me. Starting my day or ending my day by writing in my journal really helps me to articulate my feelings and puts my mind at ease. It’s not a habit yet but I want to do it as often as I can. It’s like keeping a diary.
Looking after my skin
Living in South Korea for 1.5 years made me really conscious of the importance of having good skin. For reference, once when I was in high school or first year of Uni I forget which, I was on the phone late at night with my friend. Her mother found us talking at around 2 or 3 in the morning and she was angry at us. Not because we were staying up late but because we weren’t wearing face masks. Now I am older and I constantly have eye bags I try to heed this advice every time I stay awake past midnight. I have also been trying to wash my face before going to bed and removing my make up properly. I don’t have the social pressure or motivation to go back to the 5-10 step bedtime skin care routine that is so popular in Korea but I try to hit little goals. Wash face every night before bed. Use toner. Use a face mask at least once a week. I have been doing it since the start of the isolation period and I’m really seeing an improvement in my skin! Have a little bit of routine in your day is good. I am getting better at disciplining myself in this situation. Hopefully by the time this is all over I will have a fully formed night time skin care routine and better skin.
Connecting with friends
This is probably the most exciting one! Many of my friends are scattered across the globe so I get lonely very easily. I have had more time to check in on friends and friends have checked in on me. I had St. Patrick’s day drinks over Whats-app Video, a reunion with the friends I made in Taiwan and a good old fashion catch up with my friends I’ve known since high school. All from the comfort of my home. I hope this period teaches you who cares about you and who is important to you, as well as letting you understand the truth about priorities. Prioritise those who matter today. This goes for family and friends. We don’t have forever.
Buying enough toilet roll to last me until 2022
… lol just joking, in Italy we have bidets.
Those where the 10(9) things I have been doing for the last month since being on lock down here in Italy. Try to count your blessings everyday even on the days when it seems like you have none. It’s not an easy situation for everybody but I hope we can all stay safe and try our best to protect our health and happiness. One day things will be better. ❤️