
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Pancake Day!

Pancake Day!

Picture courtesy of @picoftasty


For more information about the origins of pancake day see my previous post here. I hope you are all enjoying this wonderful day. I managed to find some Lyle’s Golden syrup in Italy and I intend to smear that over every single pancake that I will eat today. (FYI: Golden syrup is eaten in the UK, it is a light treacle used in place of honey or maple syrup in English desserts). Last time I mentioned some international pancakes and for today I’m going to leave a recommendation. If you are ever passing through Venice or Mestre - be sure to hit up Brunch Republic. They have very tasty American style pancakes as well as other delicious foods.

As always HAPPY SHROVE TUESDAY to all. 💗💕

Roll With The Punches.

Roll With The Punches.