
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Perfection without a plan.

Perfection without a plan.

As I write this from my friend's apartment in downtown Suwon I officially have no plans. Nothing. No plan on what to do today, or tomorrow or even next week. I have one or two scheduled plans, Ultra Music Festival on the 10th-11th June. Go home some time in July, start school in September. But those small details in between... There is nothing. This is the way I want it. I have always had a plan. Always a tomorrow and a next week. This is the first time I have time to just relax and chill and be myself.

It is pretty scary. I usually lead a life of work, classes, appointments, dinners and lunches all carefully pencilled into my diary and decorated superfluously. I cannot help but think, what next? Should I be studying? Should I be preparing in case of an emergency exam? Should I be hunting for a job?  Yoga? Pilates? What should I do to fill my days? The answer is simple. STOP.

Stop worrying, stop overthinking and just be. Be in the present and just exist. I complained that my entire time in Korea has been filled with schedules and obligations and finally for the first time during my stay here I don't have any. I am as free as a bird to explore this wonderful country, see friends, and blog the hell out of it along the way. So that's what I intend to do. It is going to be hard for me to put away my workaholic shoes but I'm going to try and enjoy myself. 

Let the vacation begin!

P.S. My brunch from the other day was very lovely so I included a pic. This place does the best eggs benedict I've had in Korea and Garosu-gil has the best brunch locations in Seoul. Maybe I should make it my duty to give you guys a list of the best places. Let me know if that's what you want to see!

Art Class: Ólafur Elíasson ~Models of Coexistence~ @PKM Gallery

Art Class: Ólafur Elíasson ~Models of Coexistence~ @PKM Gallery

부산행: 감천문화마을 Gamcheon Culture Village

부산행: 감천문화마을 Gamcheon Culture Village