
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Starting with a BANG!

Starting with a BANG!

I suppose you may have been wondering where I have been hiding? Or not!

It is 2018! I can't quite believe how time has flown. I still feel like the 18 year old who went to university in Sheffield nervously back in 2010, the 22 year old brimming with excitment when I graduated in 2014. The 23 year old who found herself in Taiwan, the two years I spent being 25 in South Korea.

I spoke about not liking new years resolutions in my last post which is true but I do have some to share.

I will pass my January exams so I won't be making that a resolution. I also thought to myself that I should be on my phone a lot less. I spend endless hours in my school library writing to my friends across the world instead of making new ones here. The universe helped me with that one. I broke my phone again so I have no choice but to be away from Social media. Maybe that is a good thing. Anyway, back to resolutions.

Mine are: 

♥ To explore Italy from top to tail, but I've already mentioned this.

♥ Go back to studying Korean

♥ Become at least conversational level in Italian.

♥ Improve my Chinese of course

♥ Try to always see the positive side to every situation

♥ Take care of my health.

♥ Be more adventurous. 

♥ And to re-iterate how cliched I think New Years resolutions are, below is a list of the most common New Years Resolutions in 2018


For the original website or for more stats check out the statista website here

It's already then end of January so, have you kept yours or are you starting to crack? Let me know :) 


Catch the flavour:  ~Shrove Tuesday ~

Catch the flavour: ~Shrove Tuesday ~

A Year of Earl Grey and Bubble Tea

A Year of Earl Grey and Bubble Tea